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Writing on Sticky Notes


Our research focuses on how we create conditions for thriving in the workplace, and in the face of significant uncertainty, crisis and challenge. We aim to uncover how we can create healthy relationships with ourselves and each other, in service of collective healing and the development of regenerative systems (including organisations).


The goal of our research is to contribute to a paradigm shift in leadership and organisational culture, towards a way of being and doing together that is harmonious with the needs of people and the planet. 


Our research methodology is action-oriented, and grounded, in the sense that we start by observing what people's challenges are, how they are feeling, and design a research approach to bring clarity to these specific challenges and the circumstances in which they arise. 


Our latest research papers and associated resources can be found at the links below, and if you'd like to have a conversation about new research or applying our research insights in your organisation, we'd be happy to hear from you at  


Feel Your Feelings

Thriving in the Cultural Workplace

This action research project looked at the role of feelings in leadership, testing a methodology for developing emotional consciousness, and mapping the impacts of reconnecting to embodied wisdom. 

Vulnerability and Cultural Leadership

Building on the concept popularised by researcher and TED phenomenon Brene Brown, this research looks at the relationships between vulnerability, resilience and collaboration in the cultural sector. 


© 2024 The Field, Amayah Pelegrin P.IVA 01369570328

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