Join Magic Happens: Our Monthly Group Coaching Membership
Building on the popularity of our Thrive and Creatorship group coaching sessions, we are launching an open monthly coaching membership....

Feel, Connect, Thrive: Booking Open
Feel, Connect, Thrive: A one-month leadership coaching programme 20-21 June 2023 Live Workshops | London 28 June - 13 July online 121 and...

Feel Your Feelings Research Out Now
The Feel Your Feelings research paper is published today, covering the role of feelings in leadership, creativity and thriving, and why...

Workshop: Open-hearted Leadership
This Valentine's we are offering a 2-hour group workshop on cultivating open-hearted and healthy relationships with ourselves, others and...

Call for Participants: THRIVE Programme
As part of the Feel Your Feelings: Thriving in the Cultural Workplace research programme, we are offering self-led programme of content,...

New Research Announcement: Feel Your Feelings, Thriving in the Cultural Workplace
I'm delighted to be part of a newly funded cohort of research projects from Clore Leadership fellows. Each year, Clore Leadership works...

02 June 2022 - Workshop at SoundGarden Festival
I'll be at SoundGarden, the new festival of "creative breakthroughs" in Vilenje Slovenia, offering two workshops based on the Creatorship...

Interview: Making Cross-collaboration Work
As the world gets more complex, and global challenges like the corona virus crisis provoke us to work together for a more sustainable...

Interview: Breaking the Chains
Principles for successful creative collaboration Creativity is an energy - when it flows between people it can produce new solutions and...

Interview: Creativity as Love in Action
Ethics to guide creative transformation The creation of new ideas can have positive or negative impacts on the world. For creativity to...